Pain-free Laser Skin Correction/Rejuvenation
We’re happy to remedy a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage and age spots, acne scars, melasma, enlarged capillaries, chronic inflammatory redness, freckles, uneven skin tone, and much more. Our laser technicians will consult you about your specific needs then develop a plan to safely and efficiently produce flawless results that you’re sure to love.
Benefits Of Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Laser skin resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure with various benefits, such as treating acne scars, reducing signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles, addressing sun damage by removing discoloured skin cells, and smoothing areas affected by repetitive muscle movement.
The depth and type of scarring, as well as the condition of the skin, are factors in the treatment’s effectiveness. Laser skin resurfacing stimulates collagen production, enhancing skin elasticity. The procedure is virtually painless, requires no anesthesia, and has minimal downtime.
Book Your Laser Skin
Revitalization Treatment Today
Not sure what kind of laser treatment you need? Book a complimentary consultation
to get started and love your skin again. We look forward to seeing you!
40 MINUTES PicoSure Laser
40 MINUTES PicoSure Laser
30 MINUTES IPL Laser Skin Rejuvenation
How Laser Skin Rejuvenation Works
Laser skin resurfacing works by directing short, concentrated beams of light at irregular skin, removing damaged skin in a precise, layer-by-layer manner. The targeted approach minimizes issues like hypopigmentation.
The laser removes the outer layer (epidermis) while simultaneously heating the underlying skin (dermis), stimulating the growth of new collagen fibers. As the treated area heals, the newly formed skin becomes smoother and firmer.
Speak to our laser technicians today for a customized plan and a flawless skin.